Anti-Fascists (or Antifa for short) is a political movement in opposition to fascist ideologies.
It began in Europe in the 1920s in response to growing fascist power in countries like Italy and Germany.
While accusations of “left wing fascism” have come up, fascism is a right wing political structure by definition.
Today, political violence of any kind in the US is absurdly rare.
In the last 10 years, more people were killed by lightning in the US (~ 43 per year) than all politically motivated violence combined.
So, you are literally more likely to be struck and killed by lightning.
Lastly, if you were a victim of political violence in the last 10 years, it'd most likely be from a “right wing” extremist. Even more than jihadist attacks.
So, if you are scared of anti-Fascists in the United States of America, you shouldn't be.