So, to add onto the "Safety Myth" with some additional details:
Here's a chart of ALL US Deaths in 2019.
The data comes from the CDC WONDER database, which gives you access to a lot of interesting US health data.
The Top chart shows all causes of Death, colored:
Greys = uncommon diseases
Blues = common diseases
Reds = people killed
Yellow = suicide
Green = accidents
So, deaths relate to "Crime & Safety" can be found in the larger of the 2 Red boxes. Again, these are almost always the boyfriend, wife, parent, or some other person you know intimately.
It's about half as big as the Yellow box, which represents suicides.
This of course means:
You are 2x more likely to kill yourself than to be killed by someone else.
If you are killed by someone else, it's most likely to be someone you know very well, like a family member, lover, or friend.
The odds of you being randomly killed by a stranger is almost zero. It certainly happens, but it's absurdly rare, despite that being a common theme in entertainment & ads.
Below you can see how this spreads out over age, and that "Accidents" are the leading cause of death until about 40, when various forms of 'old age' become the primary killers.

Here you can see the Red "homicides" line (mostly by loved ones and friends), relative to other causes.
You can see homicides are MORE likely when you're younger, in large part because of how few young people die, and how low risk older people are.
Another interesting note: the tiny light Red square at the top represents "Legal Interventions"... ie. people killed by Police.
While very small compared to the overall numbers, it is telling that it is a large enough to be visible within MOST common causes.
It's worth noting that it's FAR smaller than the Red homicide and Yellow suicide boxes.
It's also SO small you can't see it on the bottom chart.
I'll run a race specific one at some point to show the change.
See embedded chart below:
You can filter by clicking either chart.
Reclick to DESELECT an item.
You can use COMMAND to select multiple items (ex. Suicides and Homicides)